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el pibe
S2 licensed
i know it is the windows one... but somehow it changed by its own. its not the same one, and i didnt touch anything!
el pibe
S2 licensed
hey guys,
today i was messing around with my gadgets and i cant find the weather one... i really liked it. can anyone tell me how to find it again? please my pc is not the same without it. ... d=119450&d=1325732269
el pibe
S2 licensed
Quote from doyal :image

that is one dirty handjob that you have there
el pibe
S2 licensed
did not make me giggle
el pibe
S2 licensed
is most likely older than me

OT: does anyone know what happend to my thread?
Last edited by el pibe, .
el pibe
S2 licensed
did he get a drive trhu or he just continued like nothing had happend?
el pibe
S2 licensed
Does not win.

<------Sofia Vergara is hotter
el pibe
S2 licensed
Quote from jrd.racer :Could also do the same.

Could also do the same.
el pibe
S2 licensed
has probably not realized that i havent changed my avatar since christmas 2010
el pibe
S2 licensed
I saw what he did there!
el pibe
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Do as much of a bottle of dark rum as you can before you pass out, thats a guaranteed hangvoer giver that stuff.

if by that you mean a whole bottle for yourself... well i have done that 2 years ago (when i was a stupid 16yo teen ... lol ) and yeah. i became friends with the toilet bowl and i passed out. cant remember shit about that night... my friends told me stuff that i didnt even think of.. but hey at least i was conscient enough to telll them to call my mom lol (bad idea).

that hangover lasted a day and a half... pain killers didnt help.
el pibe
S2 licensed
Still uses msn? woah
el pibe
S2 licensed
heal fbm
hurt fxo
el pibe
S2 licensed
I dont have a lot of dreams, when i dream and i remember it, its usually about me banging the gf or the one that i cheat the gf with.... or me driving my car and having a good time.... other than that, my dreams are prettymuch non existant.

what scares me the most is that sleep paralysis thing. its really scary, 2 days ago it happend twice in 5minutes..
el pibe
S2 licensed
Is just an Italian dude

actually, I'm from Argentina but I live in a Canadian igloo
el pibe
S2 licensed
got fooled by my flag.
el pibe
S2 licensed
is racing
el pibe
S2 licensed
heal fbm
hurt fxo
el pibe
S2 licensed
Stated the Obvious
el pibe
S2 licensed
holy shit TVE! makes me want to move to Norway.......

Also, 1337 post.
Last edited by el pibe, .
el pibe
S2 licensed
all he said was chinese to me.
el pibe
S2 licensed
Is a Dutch!
el pibe
S2 licensed
owns an S2 license
el pibe
S2 licensed
a g37 sedan?
el pibe
S2 licensed
Is american and doesn't know the meaning of '' Ecology ''